My name is
Ian Hornik.
Developer by passion.
I'm an enthusiastic mathematics student, that additionally does fullstack web development, game development and 3D art.
I am currently doing my Bachelor's degree in Technical Mathematics at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria.
About me
Before graduating from the HTL Spengergasse in Vienna, I mostly spent my time with game development, as this was the primary focus of my educational institution. During the final year and post-graduation I started to transition more and more into full-stack web development, fascinated by the endless possibility of applications, interfaces and creative design choices. This is currently my primary occupation of work, but may be prone to change in the future.
I have been wanting to study Technical Mathematics for a while, so after finishing my civil service I enrolled at the Technical University of Vienna.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
- Javascript/Typescript (ES6+)
- React
- Node.js
- Python
- Unity3D
- C++
Proud Projects
Featured Project
In Reactio Veritas
Turning brain impulses into art was a creative project I worked on together with some friends, before exhibitioning it at the Prix Ars Electronica in the category u19-create your world.
Occasionally I create artworks, mostly 3D using Blender. Below you can find a collection of my proudest pieces.